Saturday, December 16, 2017

I'm learning a lot about the true power of the internet. It is utilized in every facet of our lives now. Main Street is most definitely going away as the big online box stores seek more and more of our dollars. Our homes are wired, we can make free phone calls around the world through the internet. We brandish our First Amendment Rights, we show pictures of the last fish we caught, we make selfie upon selfie of our hot look with the fish face pose! We use the internet for everything now. Heck, I've even learned how to blog!

I ran across a few posts this morning that made me think. They were all good posts. I want to share with you how my thought pattern was able to combine these two completely different subjects with one thread in common...the internet. I won't give names and I won't mine their pictures. They have their right to privacy and I respect that.

Dude in one of my groups made a couple posts this morning. I made a couple comments and he seemed genuinely proud! It seems this cat just came in 2nd place in a basketball tournament. He was showing his ribbon to the camera. He scored. He made a shot! Same hipster showed another post with him ready to go to the post tournament dance that night. He looked stylin' and he looked ready to go! I was happy for him. 


Right there is a prime example of the power of the internet. Nobody ever would have known if not for the internet. He would have told a few people close to him then it would be over. With the internet, he got to share his accomplishment with the world. With the internet, this cool dude inspired me to write this morning. Dude, if you read this, you know who you are.



Recycle Repurpose Reuse

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