Thursday, November 16, 2017

Bazaar season is just about here and I'm running around like a mad man getting everything ready! Last year was my first experience and I looked a bit like the Fred Sanford of the crafting world. Not this time!

I'm throwing a Hail Mary this year. Everything that Kitty and I have made over the years that we still have, I'm going to show. Last year we weren't ready. A friend had sprung the bazaar option on us at the last minute. We hadn't planned on going this route. I had no idea what to do and Kitty hadn't worked a bazaar booth in many years. We threw together what we could, made a hodge podge of trinkets and stuff, and actually made a couple bucks. 


Back during summer when I was working in Galena, I had a good start making things. If you remember, I lost everything I had made due to a fire that destroyed the camp shop and everything in it. All of my stuff went up in flames and I didn't have the time or ability to start all over again.

Stucco for the chimney worked great!

Well, here are a few of my revamped frames with my photography. They can be hung but I got the idea to make stands yesterday. All these blocks come from an old board of rough cut spruce. I had been dragging it around for a year or so. It was going to be the base of a different project but wasn't quite thick enough. The light bulb went on, the brain storm began, and several frame stands are the result. Cutting and routing and sanding and fitting outside in the driveway at 5* above in the snow is not an easy task. I did it though, and these are the end result! I'm happy.

Times have been tough for several years now. I have had one heck of a learning experience. I have done lot's of panicking through all of this. Not this year. I feel good about my chances of making this work. Homesteading is a hard life but I do enjoy it. It's nonstop work from the time I get up till the time I go to bed at night. At least I'm working for me now!


Recycle, Repurpose, Reuse

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