Monday, October 16, 2017

I'm learning the meaning of the word 'hustle'. I always thought that was just what the coach yelled at me when I struck out and they wanted me off the field.

Homemade money is a hard life. It is very enjoyable but hard. We have got to have a dozen irons in the fire at all times bringing in rent money. Ebay, woodworking, art, you name it, its out there. We're starting to sell some things locally now. Nice things! That means I work the pages and make deals and sell stuff and deliver all while we're making stuff and living.

For thirty years, helicopters were my life. Now, they are turning into a memory that dims with time. I enjoy this life...not living out of a bag or being in a different motel room every night. I enjoy living out at the edge of wilderness. I enjoy learning more and more from my wife while I can. I enjoy not having the stress of not knowing if my helicopter and crew are going to make it back safely...every day...for 30 years.

With all that being said, check this out. Kitty and I made this a couple years ago. We never could figure how to market it and so it sat. It's called Death of a Butterfly. Just an old moldy beat up trunk. This is Kitty's vision of beauty. I'm selling it today. She says it's time for it to go. I know how to market now. I know how to use social media as a tool now. I'm no longer just surviving. I'm now learning an entirely new career. You don't get a degree for this training. It is called simply
Life After Helicopters.


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