seems to have been a long time since my last posting. I'm not sure
if I remember how to write. A lot of things have happened since we
we were last here.
move is complete, we no longer live in a swamp. YAY! Our new home
is a much newer and nicer cabin. It is farther from town and up in
the hills. The cabin is smaller but much more efficient and
organized. Our storage tent is full but well organized. I'm
starting to pull projects out that had to go by the wayside last
did a massive purge while transitioning. It's amazing how much junk
one can accumulate. We are down to fighting weight now.
the helicopter world is gone again for the year. I may go to Oregon
one more time in the next few days and that should be it. I am
sanding three projects now. I need to get them out fast but will not
sacrifice quality or our unique style for speed. We'll make it.
The coolest chess board you are ever going to see! |
and I are getting very heavy into eBay once again. It is just now
taking off and we look to be selling all winter. Hopefully, I will
have lots of trips to the post office! If you like unique and hard
to find cool stuff, you should check us out.
should be getting my table saw back in the next few days. I already
have projects lined up for it too. It is amazing. Before I came to
Alaska and met Kitty, I had more time than I knew what to do with. I
was a very bored person living in my own self induced personal hell.
Now, I have projects lined up waiting for me to get the time to get
them completed. It seems now that time is a precious and scarce
commodity these days. That's okay though. I am no longer a very
bored person and my self induced hell is long gone. I don't have the
time or energy to get depressed!
don't know what is going to happen to ArcticArtique in the future. I
can't tell you what's going to happen a month from now. I do know
that ArcticArtique will be a part of me the rest of my life!
Keeper of the flame! |
Steps Are What You Take
On The Moon
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