Legislative Branch Of Congress
we see our country slipping away from us a little more every day,
Kitty and I felt it only fitting to debut this properly named, one of
a kind subtle and stylish, decorative light box.
recycle, repurpose, reuse wonder, the real wood frame comes from an
old, old headboard that was cast away to melt into the earth. Being
from an earlier time and no longer in style, nobody seemed to take an
interest in it so we took it home! Why waste good wood only to cut
down more trees for more wood.
Plexiglas from an older project covers this unique and very distinct
recycled print.
a Congress of Monkeys sitting on a branch, grooming and picking
parasites from each other,this old print was taken from a thrown out 1950's
Chinese calendar we happened upon. The print is authentic, printed
on rice paper as our friends across the Pacific use so much and even
print their money on.
used to it, the way our country is being sold out from under us, we
will soon be using that very same currency which we know nothing of.
case you didn't know, a group of monkeys is called a Congress, very
similar to our Congress being called a Group of Monkeys.
Unfortunately, the similarity is no longer a joke as we watch a
broken government do more and more of nothing every day. Notice the
lights in the background. There are two positions for this battery
powered string of LED's that was also cast off from someone else.
When on solid, they are very dim and hide in the background. Flip
the switch, and watch them blink out of sequence, much like the
lobbyists we occasionally see, flitting around from congressman to
congressman, only being highlighted for short periods of time, when
someone needs to be blamed for another screw up or policy designed to
harm the people of our country.
cool to view, much like going to Capitol Hill, there is very deep
symbolism behind this simple box. Yes, monkeys picking at each other
on their favorite branch are fun to watch, eerily similar to sitting
in the gallery and watching our Representatives and Senators pick at
each other day after day sitting in their favorite easy chairs,
getting absolutely nothing done other than selling our country away
to the highest bidder. That bidder happens to use rice paper.
and gentlemen, boys and is with great pleasure that
Arctic Artique presents to you,
Legislative Branch Of Congress'
Nothing But a Box of Monkeys
Repurpose, Reuse
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