I ever told you about life before I came to Alaska? I've pretty much
concentrated on the here and now. My trials and tribulations,
accomplishments and even failures. It's been a long road on my
journey to the here and now. Maybe it's time.
Most of... |
begin, I'm a recovering alcoholic. In March, I'll have 14 years
sober. I come from a small town in Missouri, just outside of St.
Louis. Midwest with Midwest values and life style. I lived there
most of my life. Remember now, I only learned of my Spectrum
Disorders after I came to Alaska.
these pictures... |
tried hard to fit in my entire life but it never worked. I knew a
lot of people but had very few friends. I always seemed to be the
third wheel or the kid waiting on the sideline to get in during the
4th quarter. Instead of being me, I tried to fit in by
doing what everybody else did. Since this was a typical Midwest
bedroom community with not much to do, everybody partied. A lot. I
fit in by partying harder than everybody.
turned into a way of life. You never saw Scott without a beer in his
hand. In the late 90's and early 00's, my drinking became a
necessity of life. I couldn't function without it. I really wasn't
functioning, period. I was getting to be a mess. I remember (sort
of) watching the Rams during the playoffs prior to their Superbowl
win and missing the entire second half of the best game of the post
season. I didn't pass out or anything. Just don't remember it.
Still don't to this day. That was the beginning of my drinking
turning into a serious problem.
I took... |
sought out counseling for a while. My counselor was a good guy. I
ended up bailing on him. He had the audacity to tell me that I had a
drinking problem and needed to quit. He was right. Even though I was
starting to look for help, I wasn't ready to accept the reality of
what he had just told me. I didn't have a problem. I could quit any
time I wanted. I quit for three days. Then I went on a tear to beat
all tears.
In Galena... |
few years later, in 2004, I was working for a helicopter air
ambulance service in downtown St. Louis. I was going through job
after job because I never fit in anywhere and the grass was going to
be greener on the other side of the fence. Anyway, I really didn't
like this place, and the supervisor did not like me. He let me know
it on many occasions.
With... |
didn't drink during the day but my disease had gotten so bad that I
was just getting plain weird. Remember now, I'm an autistic that
didn't know I was an autistic. I had Tourette Syndrome. I twitched.
Especially when I was stressed. I was in a bad situation and at the
height of my drinking career. I had a meltdown at work. It wasn't
just a meltdown...this was trying to talk to one of the flight nurses
about not feeling well then just breaking down into uncontrollable
crying and hysteria. I was very lucky I happened to be working with
professional medical people. This was bad enough that I took a ride
to the emergency room in the back of an ambulance to a hospital in
St. Louis that specialized in psychiatric care. This was bad. I was
given an Atavan and a few minutes for everything to calm down. Then
a counselor came in to talk to me and determined I could go home but
I should seek counseling. I was a wreck.
My... |
was also the end of my drinking career. My brain finally learned I
couldn't handle it anymore. The transformation had began but I had
years of hell waiting for me on the other side. It was worth it.
Friend... |
got to get moving for now. Stick around and I'll tell you all about
my adventures with counselor's, psychiatrists, and coming face to
face with me. All these years later, I'm still formulating my
thoughts for that time frame while learning to live as an autistic in
the normal world in my post career world.
Indra! |
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