Saturday, June 4, 2016

It’s not every day that you get to see nature up close and personal.  It’s not every day that a creature of nature will pose for a spectator.  I received a special treat from this Horned Owl yesterday.  I had seen him a couple of times before over the last couple days.  The first time he plopped down on a stop sign next to me as I was walking to work in the morning.  He just looked at me while I watched him for a minute.  He finally grew tired of watching me, so I watched him turn his head, spread his wings and dive to the ground to snatch breakfast.  I didn’t bother him in the least.  By the way, I have no idea if this is a male or female.  It just looks like a he to me.

I saw him again that evening by the barracks.  He was being harassed by several smaller birds while trying to get to a nest nearby.  By the time I ran to get my camera he was gone.

Yesterday morning, just after breakfast this is the sight I was treated to.  Right behind my shop area is where he was again watching the area for breakfast.  Again, he just watched me when I showed up, this time with camera in hand.  I kept creeping closer to him taking pictures the entire way.  I was allowed to within about 10 feet for these pictures.  He watched me while at the same time he was scanning the field for food.  Again, he finally tired of me and decided to fly back to a more secluded area.  Seems I interrupted breakfast.

I was told later that the horned owl is making a comeback in the area.  At one time they had become nearly extinct in these parts.  All over this land and actually all over the world, we are losing species after species.  Man just seems to continue to expand outward with little to no regard for the natural habitat of creatures that have been here much longer than us.  All of these creatures are crucial parts of a balanced eco system and are important links in the natural food chain.  As man, we are supposed to be the caretakers of all things natural.  Unfortunately, we seem to be abusers and destroyers of all things natural.

Think about it.


Recycle, Repurpose, Reuse

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