Saturday, March 12, 2016

God Does Exist

I started this blog back in August of 2015. My wife had been trying to get me to start writing and blogging for quite some time but I always had an exuse not to. Not enough time. Have to concentrate on something else. You know the story. She knew it would help to improve my social skills since I do write much better than I speak. I have enjoyed the experience and things are beginning to take off just a bit with my writing now. It's time for me to get real, tell my story, and to give credit where credit is due.

I lost my job and career on 1 September 2013, the day the affordable care act was enacted. The company that I came to Alaska to work for decided to pull out of our state. I don't know the true or full reason, nor do I care anymore. Due to this fact and the down economy and several mistakes of my own making I have worked a total of about five months since that time. Our beautiful home is gone. All of our stuff is gone. All of the beauty that my wife created in our home belongs to someone else now.

Last summer we were homeless and living in a tent for about three months. I had to put down Oni, her service dog. That was the hardest thing I ever had to do at that point. We ended up in what turned out to be a goat yard for a time last summer, before a friend was able to convince an elder to allow us into the cabin we are currently living in.

All this happened while my wife was sick. She is a head injury survivor from back in the 90's. She is still sick and I will not have her much longer. She has tolerated me above and beyond. Her love for me is unconditional. I have always heard that phrase but never understood it until this moment.

To get by, we have sold things on Ebay, Facebook, yard sales, and any other way we could. We found things to fix and make a few bucks on them. She loves art and finally convinced me to help her with a project that had been in her head for thirty years. I was reluctant at first then went at it full steam to help her complete it. 'Farewell and the Golden Ring' was born. If you scroll back towards the beginning of this blog you will see him. We both enjoyed it and had a great feeling of satisfaction and joy when she proclaimed him complete. He has a new home now. Farewell was our first art sale. This is how the idea of Arctic Artique was born. We will never get rich, but that's not the point. We've made several items since then, some sell and some don't. Some items take more time than others and display better in different mediums.

All this time I kept watching the money, knowing the line of credit would run out at some point. The small hangar job didn't work. It didn't pay the bills anyway. I have secured employment again but it is still a good six weeks away. I will be working for a company from New Mexico during the Alaska fire season this summer. It stands to be a very bad year in this state for wild fires.

All during this time, I knew God was there. I believe he is alive as well as Satan. The spirit world is with us...we are taught not to really believe it.

While all of these things have been happening, Kittie's uncle passed yesterday. He was in his 70's and had very painful stage four throat cancer. He and his wife had no money or way to get to the hospital every day. Their family did not help them. Kitty and I made sure they had what they needed at great expense to us. For the first time in my life, I helped them without worrying about the much. I've always had issues with making sure there is some type of reserve in the funds.

As I said earlier, my new job is still six weeks away. The line of credit we have been living on is basically gone. There is no income currently. We went to the Salvation Army thrift store about an hour ago so Kitty could find just a couple more items she needed to finish our current project. Being me and knowing inside how close we are at any given point in time, I was cringing inside when the lady rang us up and I pulled out my wallet. The lady behind me in line, that I have no idea who she was tapped me on the shoulder and said that I didn't have to pay for it. She just got a nudge and she was paying for it. She also said God Bless.

I have been blessed.

God is Alive and We Will Make it Through.

This is what life is really all about.

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